Throw your hands up!

dealing with frustrationWhen you’re frustrated because you’re dissatisfied or discontent, with where you are in life; all you have to do is “throw your hands up”, not out of your frustration, but out of your thankfulness to the Lord! When we find ourselves getting into that “ornery mode”(some of us more than others…and YES, that includes Believers) ;-)…you know, that  mode when we’re grumpy and ungrateful and no one can talk to us, lest they get their head chewed off. It’s during those times when God has a funny way of bringing back to our remembrance ALL the things we should be

Stop sweatin' the small stuff!

Am I the only one who thinks Martha gets somewhat of a bad rap whenever the story of “Mary and Martha” is the topic of discussion? If you’ve ever read your Bible, then more than likely you’ve read the story of Mary and Martha, right? If not, here’s the story in a nutshell … it’s about two sisters who welcomed Jesus into their home, Mary sat at Jesus’ feet, while Martha was busy cooking, cleaning and preparing their home….there DONE!;-)  The first thing everyone says when referring to this story is that Martha was just plain wrong! In my opinion, I really don’t think Martha's

We are (God's) women...hear us ROAR!!!

honing our skillsMornin’ Girlfriends! This is going to be a FANTABULOUS Friday for us all! I believe God is going to fire up in you that which has been inactive, out of action, undeveloped and lying dormant! The battle cry for today is…”WAKE UP FROM YOUR STUPOR”!! Lisa Bevere wrote a book entitled “Lioness Arising” (which I highly recommend you read), in which she talks about the many attributes of the lioness. The lioness teaches us how to